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In 2001 Netherlands was the first country to allow same sex marriage. Since then now 9 other countries allow same sex marriage. These include: Canada, Spain, South Africa, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and the US states of Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and the District of Columbia.

Australia has not legalised same sex marriage, and appears not to be heading in that direction despite the numerous campaigns to push the legislation. For example in 2012 Morning Sunrise from channel 7 teamed together with fashion magazine Marie Claire in a campaign called ‘I do’.

Australian Marriage Equality (AME) is a national, membership-based organisation working for equal marriage rights for all Australians regardless of their gender or sexuality. Check out there website here.

Its an issue that’s constantly in the media and in discussion, It something that nearly everyone seems to agree on, ‘same sex marriage should be legal’, so how come its not?

‘Some day, same-sex couples in Australia will have the legal right to marry. That is inevitable. As with every major human rights advance, from the abolition of slavery to allowing women to vote, future generations will look back and wonder how anyone could have opposed such a basic human right’ (Australian Marriage Equality website).

I really like and agreed with Andrew Tiedt’s article Legalise gay marriage, whats the harm? because it showed that even someone who is  strong in Christian beliefs still thinks that there should be marriage equality.

I have hope for the future. I believe that Australia will legalise gay marriage, its just a matter of time.

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